Xenko 3.0 is Now Free and Open-Source!
Unveiling Xenko's transition to an open-source MIT license, opening doors for developers to access and contribute to the powerful Stride 3D game engine. Learn about the benefits, opportunities, and how to get involved in our comprehensive blog post!
You read that right. Xenko 3.0 is out now, released under the permissive MIT license.
From now on, you can use and modify Xenko completely free — whether you're a professional, a student, or just looking for a new hobby. This includes both the runtime and editor.
Main focus for this release was on the open-source transition, but Xenko 3.0 also includes some new features, such as a switch to the new C# project system, video, hair and skin rendering. Read the full release notes here.
Silicon Studio no longer supports Xenko, but members of the Xenko team will continue to work on it independently as part of the community. More specifically, I will personally work on it fulltime for the next few months to see if it picks up some steam as a community project. Kudos to Silicon Studio for starting and supporting the project so far! Turning the project open-source and community-driven is a fantastic achievement.
This project will live thanks to its community and will have its own GitHub organization. Want to contribute? Join us on GitHub!

Also, I have setup a Patreon page for people who want to financially support the effort (servers and me working fulltime).
We're proud of everything we and our users have achieved with Xenko over the last three years. We can't wait to see what you do with it next!
Any comments? You can start 🗨 at GitHub Discussions or Discord.
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